Minecraft: 1.12.2
SpongeAPI: 7.1.0-c386be07
Sponge: 1.12.2-7.1.6-SNAPSHOT
SpongeForge: 1.12.2-2768-7.1.6-RC3556
Minecraft Forge:
Minecraft, Minecraft Coder Pack, SpongeAPI, Sponge, FastAsyncWorldEdit, Broadcast, CatClearLag, CommandUtils, GriefPrevention, Holograms, LuckPerms, MMCReboot, NanoChat, Nucleus, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, ProjectCore, SayItem, SkyClaims, StackBan, Web-API, WorldEdit
Minecraft, Minecraft Coder Pack, Forge Mod Loader, Minecraft Forge, SpongeAPI, Sponge, Actually Additions, Advanced Solar Panels, Applied Energistics 2, Aroma1997Core, AromaBackup, AromaBackuprecovery, Astral Sorcery, Avaritia, Avaritia Recipe Maker, Baubles, Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry, Botania, Brandon's Core, Cases, Chameleon, ChickenChunks, CodeChicken Lib, CraftTweaker JEI Support, CraftTweaker2, CustomNPCs, Draconic Evolution, DummyCoreUnofficial, Ender IO, Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits, Ender IO Base, Ender IO Conduits, Ender IO Integration with Forestry, Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct, Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct, Ender IO Machines, Ender IO Open Computers Conduits, Ender IO Powertools, Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits, EnderCore, Energy Converters, EventHelper, Extra Cells 2, Extra Utilities 2, Extreme Reactors, FTB Library, FTB Quests, Forestry, Guide-API, Immersive Engineering, Industrial Foregoing, Industrial Wires, IndustrialCraft 2, Iron Chest, Item Filters, JMFixer, JourneyMap, Just Coins, Just Enough Items, LagGoggles, Login Shield, MTLib, Mantle, Morpheus, NetherPortalFix, NoDestroy, RandomPatches, RandomTweaks, Redstone Flux, Scaling Health, Shadowfacts' Forgelin, Silent Lib, Solar Flux Reborn, SpongeForge, Storage Drawers, Tesla Core Lib, Tesla Core Lib Registries, Thaumcraft, Thaumic Energistics, Thaumic Gadgets, Thaumic Tinkerer, Tinkers Tool Leveling, Tinkers' Construct, UniDict, VanillaFix, WanionLib, Zero CORE, Immersive Voice